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  • 泰达国际心血管病医院(简称泰心医院)是天津经济技术开发区投资兴建的公立三级甲等心血管病专科医院和心血管研究所,是委省共建国家心血管病区域医疗中心,国家心血管疾病临床医学研究中心分中心建设单位,国家冠心病和心律失常介入诊疗培训、医院消毒供应中心实践、心血管病专科护理及技术培训示范基地,全国科普教育基地,天津市心血管疾病临床医学研究中心,天津大学直属医院和心血管病研究所,天津医科大学心血管病临床学院,建立了博士后工作站和院士工作站。心脏大血管外科、心血管内科和护理通过国家临床重点专科建设评估。
    泰心医院以“博爱·济世”为院训,至今已为包括港澳台在内的全国所有省市区及美、德、加、俄、日等国家的30万名患者实施心脏手术和介入治疗,成功完成12例心脏移植,包括1例长期存活的心肾联合移植和1例高难度二次心脏移植;研发出拥有完全自主知识产权的第三代人工心脏——植入式磁液悬浮心室辅助装置“火箭心”,于2022年获批上市;医院完成了天津市150万名儿童心脏发育状况普查工作,使天津市成为我国唯一对当年出生的儿童心脏发育状况进行“零网眼”普查的省级单位;为来自 28个省(区、市),34个民族的1.6万名孤困儿童实施先心病根治手术;从2011年起分别与中国移动慈善基金会、上海荷福慈善基金会、中国卫生法学会联手,筛查车先后到黑龙江、辽宁、内蒙古、天津、河北、山西、青海、甘肃、宁夏、西藏、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、广西、河南、江西、安徽、江苏等 19个省(区、市)开展先心病筛查,并对孤困先心病儿童展开救助工作;还开创我国跨省非转诊医保服务先河,成为全口径对接河北省以及呼伦贝尔、哈尔滨、辽河油田等地的非转诊跨省医保定点医院;2017年1月完成全国异地就医联网直接结算第一单。



  • Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital (TICH)/Tianjin Medical University Cardiovascular Institute, invested by Tianjin Economic-technologic Development Area Government, is a public nonprofit, top-class, professional cardiovascular hospital opened since Sept. 26, 2003. The hospital specializes in cardiovascular open-heart surgery and interventional therapy to cure all types of congenital or acquired cardiovascular diseases. There are 500 beds, 16 operation rooms, 80 ICU beds, 5 catheter lab rooms (including a hybrid operation room) and 40 CCU beds at TICH.
    TICH is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for diagnosis, treatment, and research, including PET/CT, “Diamond” CT, 64-slice CT, ECT, MRI, 3-D Echocardiography, MCG and high-power electronic microscope. It pioneers in the use of Automatic Tablet Counting and Packing machines in China which greatly improves efficiency and quality in the medication dispensing. The medical laboratory is equipped with an Automatic Clinical Laboratory System supported by Pre-Analytical Modular(PAM)for highly accurate diagnostic tests. The transferring system improves the efficiency of the delivery of documents and samples within the hospital. The advanced Picture Archiving and Commutation System (PACS) and Hospital Information System (HIS) make the hospital completely electronic and, significantly, literally paperless.
    The departments of Cardiovascular Surgery, cardiology and nursing are entitled of national-level clinical specialties by the Ministry of Health of China. TICH is also one of National Coronary Disease Training Centers, National Arrhythmia Interventional Therapy Training Centers, National Residence Training Centers and China Chest Pain Centers. Internationally, TICH is the first hospital in China had been recognized by both JCI and HIMSS EMRAM 7.
    TICH is the only public hospital consistent with National Healthcare Reform Plan announced by the State of Council. Since the very beginning, TICH management has been separated from its ownership. While the TEDA Government owns the hospital, President Xiaocheng Liu is responsible for its general management. As the only public hospital without official ranking, TICH recruits its staffs by signing employment contracts rather than utilizing the lifelong tenure model as is used in other public hospitals. TICH assigns staff posts according to the efficiency and effectiveness of the resulting management rather than the traditional “Official and Title” approach to management systems. The innovative management system has brought vitality to TICH and made the hospital create a series of operating mechanism reflecting patient-oriented concepts, which has won not only patients’ satisfaction but also much more space and faster speed for sustainable development.

    Over the past 18 years since its opening, TICH has performed cardiac surgery and interventional cardiovascular procedure for more than 200,000 patients from all over China and the foreign countries. On one hand, the hospital adhering to humanitarianism provides reasonable and quality medical service to the communities. In August 2004, TICH became the first hospital designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China to carry out a charity program, namely “Tomorrow Plan”, to help treat the orphans suffering congenital heart diseases. Thereafter, through joint efforts with many charity organizations from both home and abroad, more than 14,000 orphan and underprivileged children, from 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, have gained their new lives in TICH. On the other hand, diversified niche service is offered to those in need, including some Hollywood movie star and foreign national leader.

    Congenital Heart Disease is NO. 1 killer to 0-5 group children in China. Together with Tianjin Women and Children Health Center, TICH launched the first congenital heart disease screening program in China in 2005. Up to date, there have been more than 1400,000 children screened in Tianjin and surprisingly 2.09 % of them are positive. From 2010, hand in hand with China Mobile, TICH enlarged the congenital heart disease screening program to Qinghai, Tibet, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Henan, Shanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Jiangsu Provinces.

    Three JCI golden medals, cardiovascular surgery, cardiology and nursing on the list of national clinic specialties, Tianjin Science & Technology first prize, the long-term survival experiment animal implanted with the third generation LVAD…….a string of footprints has been deeply marked in the course of its non-stop innovation and progress.

    On November 15, 2010, Vice-Premier Li Keqiang visited TICH. He talked with patients, physicians, and nurses in the pharmacy and in the consultation rooms. Mr. Li confirmed wholeheartedly TICH’s manner of managing the hospital. He stated, “…TICH is in the leading position within the area of public hospital reform in China. In reforming our Public Hospital system, we seek not just to make the system as perfect as possible. We should take this opportunity to completely assess our system and diversify the investment and capital structures of hospitals. This will further provide better, more complete medical services to the Chinese people and enhance the skill of China’s medical staff.”

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